Tuesday 24 November 2009

The guardian of the forest

Esta es la primera cosa/persona/ser que hago (todavía no decido qué palabra usar) de la realmente estoy enamorada. No hablo de perfección (hace rato me propuse como ejercicio cotidiano no subirme a esa carrera). Hablo de lo que cada objeto me provoca. Y ella reproduce en mí la sensación de sosiego que experimento cuando me sumerjo en la naturaleza, algo que pasa más en Argentina que en Londres (lamentablemente, porque paso más tiempo en la segunda!). Ella ya tiene casa nueva y la voy a extrañar taaaaanto!

This is the first thing/person/being I make (I can’t decide what to call it yet) that I’m truly in love with. I’m not talking about perfection (it’s been a long time since I decided, as a daily effort, not to even go that way) I’m talking about what each object provokes in me. And she brings back that calm sensation I experience within myself when I'm immersed in Nature, something that happens more often in Argentina than in London (sadly, because I spend more time in the latter) She’s got already a new home and I’ll miss her so much!  


  1. I am so glad I've found your blog tonight! Love your dolls!

  2. Oh!!! I just saw her for sale on etsy a couple of days ago, she must have sold in the meantime (congratulations!)
    She was my favourite of your figures. I'd love to see a finger puppet similar to her, she's so sweet :-)

  3. Oh I do love the ones you have done with Antlers, they are stunning!
    Your work makes me smile everytime I see it.

    Micki x
